USCIS Announces Extenstion & Redesignation of Burma’s Protected Status

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As of May 26, 2024, through November 25, 2025, Burma has been granted an extension and redesignation for Temporary Protected Status (TPS), marking a significant development for both current beneficiaries and potential new applicants. Please continue reading to learn more about Burma’s protected status and what it may mean for you.

What Does The Extension for Burma’s Protected Status Mean?

The decision to extend and redesignate Burma for TPS is a response to the ongoing extraordinary and temporary conditions within the country, including the aftermath of a military coup that ousted its democratically elected government in February 2021. These conditions have led to a significant risk to the personal safety of individuals, compounded by challenges in accessing essential services such as healthcare and food, alongside economic instability.

Who Benefits from This Announcement?

About 2,300 individuals currently under TPS for Burma will see their status extended through November 25, 2025, contingent upon meeting the existing eligibility criteria. Moreover, this redesignation opens the door for an estimated 7,300 additional nationals of Burma (or stateless individuals who last habitually resided in Burma) to apply for TPS, provided they have established residency in the United States on or before March 21, 2024.

What Are the Steps for Re-registration?

For those already under Burma’s TPS, re-registration during the designated 60-day period, from March 25, 2024, to May 24, 2024, is crucial for maintaining their status and work authorization. This process is critical in ensuring continuity and stability for current beneficiaries.

Special Considerations for Students

An accompanying Special Student Relief notice offers F-1 nonimmigrant students from Burma the ability to seek employment authorization, work additional hours while school is in session, and reduce their course load while maintaining their F-1 status. This provision underscores the commitment to not only safeguarding these individuals’ immediate safety but also supporting their academic and professional aspirations.

What About Employment Authorization?

The extension also includes provisions for Employment Authorization Documents (EADs), automatically extending the validity of previously issued EADs through May 25, 2025. New registrants approved for TPS under this announcement can expect to receive an EAD valid for the 18-month duration of the extension.

Eligible individuals looking to benefit from the TPS redesignation for Burma are encouraged to engage with the detailed guidance available in the corresponding Federal Register notice. This includes critical information on eligibility criteria, timelines, and the necessary steps for both re-registration and initial application.